Tuesday 6 March 2012


“…If you're content to…be yourself, your life will count...” Matthew 23:12 TM

Do you remember Rosa Parks, the black woman who refused to surrender her seat to a white man and move to the back of the bus? There was more at stake that day than just a ride home from work. By simply being herself, Rosa suddenly moved to centre stage. She wasn’t playing games. She was the real thing, and God shone a light on her soul that day that changed history.

That’s how it works: when God’s light shines on your efforts, little becomes much. Jesus said, ‘If you’re content to…be yourself, your life will count.’ Now, since God is the only One who knows when your time will come, you must be prepared. ‘How do I do that?’ you ask. The Bible answers: ‘Be content with who you are…don’t put on airs. God’s…hand is on you; he’ll promote you at the right time…’ (1 Peter 5:6-7 TM).

Allow the Holy Spirit to be your agent and advance man. Don’t get ahead of Him. Just be faithful; when the time is right God will shine His spotlight on the next stage and assign you an even bigger role. And when the moment comes for you to stride confidently into the spotlight and fulfil your God-given role, try to remember that there’s no room for self-importance and pretence. This moment calls for: stripping away all lesser roles you’ve acted out and settled for; discovering who you are and what your life is really about; depending totally on God to help you give the most authentic performance of your career.

By : Bobgass

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